Saturday, January 28, 2012

Why the sudden change?

Let's kick this blog off on the right foot with a little intro. I am a wife, mom, friend, crafter, sunday school teacher, childcare provider,blogger, shopping junkie and so much more. But a lot of the time I feel what defines me the most is the packaging that all of those great traits come tied up in. This wonderful body of mine is in need of some serious help. ASAP!! I should start by clarifying that I love my body for what it is. I am extremely overweight, have bad knees, a bad back, and asthma. Our society teaches that I should be ashamed of myself because of the physical weaknesses I have that everyone can see, but I chose to be proud of my body. It is a blessing to have such a great body! My body gets me where I want to go, it provided me with a beautiful child, and despite the pain I feel here and there, I can do a lot of different activities. I just feel that is time for me to return the favor. It is time for me to put in the best food that I can find and treat my body like the amazing temple that is meant to be. Do you feel the same way?


  1. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. -- Hippocrates, father of medicine, 431 B.C.

    Eat Food. Not Too much. Mostly Plants. -- Michael Pollan, renowned food expert and journalist, 2007 A.D.
    Can't wait to see what else you share. Good Luck!

  2. Oh! And you can check out my blog if you like, here:
